Sunday, September 12, 2010

Yet another photoblog to pollute the net!

This blog has just been born. It is my intention to publish some photos I take. They will hopefully be interesting. If they are not interesting I will try to force them to be interesting by including some anecdote to make they them interesting.

If I can't make them interesting, as a sad final try, I'll will try to make them look good. If all this is in vain, you can always enjoy the fact that all these pictures were taken with a LEICA M8! Except the occasional Hipstamatic picture.

Through this little piece of text I tried to express my quite simple philosophy about photography. It's all about the picture and the message and the least important thing is how it looks. However, please note that how the picture looks is still the third most important thing about a photography ;)

Anyway, here are the reactions of the people that heard I was going to start a blog: